Enrique Martínez Celaya

Enrique Martínez Celaya uses painting, sculpture, photography, and writing to examine time, subjectivity, memory, and representation, usually at the intersection of the domestic and the epic. He takes his subject matter from a wide range of sources, including Nordic poetry, samurai mores, quantum physics, the emotional mechanisms of kitsch, analytic and continental philosophy, Latin American literature, and everyday life. Though some cite his exhibitions as invoking traditions of figuration and narration, or as primarily intellectual in aim, Martínez Celaya rejects these claims. His projects, which are rarely in the context of group exhibitions, frequently take the form of multi-disciplinary environments installed at museums and galleries, as well as at less conventional venues like the Berliner Philharmonie and the Church of Saint John the Divine in New York.
Enrique Martínez Celaya was born in Habana, Cuba. He migrated to Spain with his family, then moved to Puerto Rico, where he initiated his formal training as an apprentice to a painter.

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